About Slovenian Companies Business Directory

Slovenian companies business directory is a directory of all companies registered in Slovenia.
We have currectly information on these types of companies:
- limited liability companies
- publicly limited company
- public enterprises
- small business owners
- sole proprietors
Our goal is to collect and share addresses, contact information, company classification, services offered, VAT number and other useful data about these companies and publish them in yellow pages style.
Most of visitors to our web site are looking for services and contacts in a specific area and our goal is to provide them by simple search and find. This is beneficial for the companies, as they get dicovered by new clients,
and for our visitors, as they can find products and services they search for. Business directory is offered both in Slovenian and English language to cater
to locals, tourists and foreign companies.
Published data is refreshed several times weekly. We strive to reflect current data, but sometimes the data found can be outdated. If you find such an error, please contact us.
Also, if you're a Slovenian company owner, contact us for inclusion of deeper layers of data about your company in the directory.
Data sources: governent sites gov.si and data provide by companies.
All rights reserved.